Samuel Elgin Grave Marker |
Patriot Samuel Elgin assisted in establishing American Independence as a Private in Captain
Hanson and Harrison’s Company, Colonel Ewing’s Regiment, Maryland Militia. He enlisted at a Flying Camp
authorized by the Continental Congress for the middle colonies in the summer of 1776. His service is documented in his
pension application S16783 at the U.S. National Archives & Records Administration. He received a pension starting
4 March 1831 for his service.
Samuel was born 5 July 1758 in Charles County, Maryland and died 27 December 1844 in Columbia,
Boone County, Missouri. He is buried at the Columbia Cemetery which is a public cemetery located at 30 East Broadway,
Columbia, Boone County, Missouri at coordinates: N38° 56' 57.84" W94° 20' 11.04". He has a military tombstone which
has been marked by DAR Columbian Chapter. It is gravesite #3 on the cemetery’s walking map, located west of the
intersection of Russell and Rollins.