Harry S. Truman Chapter

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Other Organizations
Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution

The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR)
See our national Web site at http://www.sar.org for extensive information about
  • the history of the American Revolution
  • care and display of the U.S. flag
  • history and activities of the NSSAR
  • membership requirements
  • doing research on your lineage
  • the Web sites of all SAR State Societies
  • the Web sites of other lineage societies
The national SAR headquarters building complex includes a fine museum of Revolutionary War items and an extensive genealogical library. We are proud of our contributions to historic preservation, public education, and informed pride in our form of government and its origins.

The Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (MOSSAR) 
See the MOSSAR Web site at http://www.mossar.org for further information.

The Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (MOSSAR), organized April 23, 1889, is a state society of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, (NSSAR). The MOSSAR is dedicated to the preservation of America's Heritage...

  • the institutions of American freedom
  • an appreciation for true patriotism
  • the value of American citizenship
  • the unifying force of e pluribus unum
    The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) 
    See the DAR Web site at http://www.dar.org for further information.

    The DAR, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.
    The National Society Children of the American Revolution

    See the NSCAR Web site at http://www.nscar.org for further information.

    Harriett Lothrop, a prominent citizen and 19th century children's author of Concord, MA, presented the idea for a children's organization to the Daughters of the American Revolution Continental Congress in 1895; it was then chartered by the United States Congress. Organized "for the training of young people in true patriotism and love of country," C.A.R. has promoted this vision to hundreds of thousands of members. These boys and girls are the leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow, now in a second century of keeping patriotism alive.

    C.A.R., the nation's oldest, largest, patriotic youth organization, offers membership to anyone under the age of 21, lineally descended from someone who served in the Continental Army or gave material aid to the cause of freedom in the American Revolution.

    The Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) has founded the Corps of Discovery society, a Missouri State Society (which has no Web site). Their purpose and membership requirements are similar to those of the SAR. For information, call Mrs. Cathy Owens, current National Librarian and senior president of the C of D, 1115 Valentine Road, Kansas City, MO 64111-3821; 816-931-1860.

    Corps of Discovery C. A. R. Photo
    (L-R) Josh Comeau, Cathy Owens, Victoria Stapleton & Romie Carr

    The Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) Corps of Discovery Society of Kansas City is shown here being awarded Certificates of Appreciation by Mr. Romie Carr, President of Harry S. Truman Chapter.  Also pictured here is Mrs. Cathy Owens, current Senior National Librarian and Senior President of the Corps of Discovery Society of the Children of the American Revolution in Kansas City, MO.  The certificates were presented on Sunday, May 21, 2006 for their participation in recent events including a Flag Program on history of various United States flags flown over this contry since the Revolutionary War.