MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery

The South Central District Color Guard is shown here participating at the South Central District Annual Meeting at the Double Tree (Downtown) Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 23-24, 2013.
South Central District Annual Meeting
August 23-24, 2013
Double Tree (Downtown)
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The South Central District Color Guard is shown here participating at the South Central District Annual Meeting at the Double Tree (Downtown) Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 23-24, 2013.

The events on Friday commenced with a Candidate's Forum, reception, and a banquet (business attire). The President General was invited and his keynote speech is presented on Friday evening. The program on Saturday included a breakfast meeting followed by the business session. The primary purpose of the business meeting is to endorse a slate of candidates, including the SCD Vice President General to be elected at the next Congress. The host normally takes a period of time to describe "What's Working" in their society. Tradition hold that the meeting is concluded by Noon.

Photo (Front row): Compatriot Robert L. Grover (MO); Edgar E. Grover (KS); Compatriot Bob Capps (KS), John (F?) (OK), Stuart Denslow (OK), and Bill Graham (OK) .

Photo (Back row): John Speer (AR), Martin Klotzbach (KS), Martin Regnold (OK), Richard Bewley (OK), Dennis Nelson (KS), Harold L. Hunt (AR), Jimmie Weber (AR), and Richard Cox (KS).

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
Copyright © 2006 MOSSAR All Rights Reserved.