South Central District Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery
KSSSAR, BOG Meeting, Wichita, Kansas on August 25, 2001
Front Row: (L-R) Major General Everett E. Mulkey, KS Color Guard Commander; Edgar E. Grover, KS, NSSAR Color Guard Vice Commander; George W. Easter, KS; Gerald R. McCoy, MO; and Bill W. Hartman, MO.
Back Row: (L-R) Captain James L. Scott MO, Major General Robert L. Grover MO Color Guard Commander, Victor P. Meador, KS; Barnett "Barney" Ellis, KS; Herrick H. "Kes" Kesler, KS; Bryan P. Bradford, KS; John G. Sayler, KS; and John B. Schwartz, KS.