MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
James Kelly Grave Marker Dedication California City Cemetery, MO September 23, 2007
The MOSSAR Color Gaurd is shown here participating in the James Kelly Grave Marker Dedication on September 23, 2007. James Kelly, a Virginia American Revolutionary War Soldier (1756-1843) along with his wife, Nancy Agness Caperton are buried at California City Cemetery, MO. In addition, the Thomas Hart Benton Chapter DAR, MO; Cahokia Mound Chapter DAR, Illinois; and Monterey Bay Chapter, SAR, California also attended this decication.
Left Photo: Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Gaurd Commander; and Compatriot J. Wayne Merrill are shown here with Mr. Kenneth Kunze. Mr. Kunze, Presiding Commissioner, Moniteau County, MO read a Proclamation during the James Kelly Grave Marker Dedication.
Right Photo: (L-R) Captain James L. Scott, James Kay, Bag Piper; Compatriot Alvin L. Paris, Major General Robert L. Grover,MOSSAR Color Gaurd Commander; Bob E. Comer, MOSSAR President; J. Wayne Merrill, Joan Cole, District Director of West Central District MSSDAR, and Captain Russell F. DeVenney, Jr.