Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery
National Medal of Honor Day Ceremony Medal of Honor Recipient Major M.R. William Grebe Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery Kansas City, Missouri Sunday, 25 March 2012
The MOSSAR Color Guard, along with other local heredity groups including the Captain Daniel Morgan Boone Chapter,Society of the War of 1812; Westport Camp #64, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; and VFW Post 1738 from Independence, MO, conducted a recognition ceremony for a Civil War Medal of Honor recipient, Major M.R. William Grebe, buried at Kansas City’s Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery. Major M.R. William Grebe, 4th Missouri Cavalry, received the Medal of Honor in 1899 for his heroism and leadership in repulsing a Confederate advance on 31 August 1864. This was during the Battle of Jonesboro and Atlanta Campaign.
National Medal of Honor Day is held on March 25th of each year. This day honors the 3,454 men and women whose service and sacrifices were recognized with the nation’s highest medal, the Medal of Honor. Awarded since the Civil War, there are 34 deceased recipients buried in the greater Kansas City area.
The ceremony to honor Major M.R. William Grebe was held at 2:00 pm, Sunday, 25 March 2012 at his gravesite located in Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery at 2201 Cleveland Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. President Brian Smarker, President of the Captain Daniel Morgan Boone Chapter,Society of the War of 1812, is also shown here reading a Proclamation signed by Kansas City Mayor Sly James, during a recognition ceremony for Civil War Medal of Honor recipient, Major M.R. William Grebe, buried at Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery in Kansas City, Missouri. The ceremony was conducted on National Medal of Honor Day, 25 March 2012.
Left photo (L - R): Compatriot Wayne Merrill, National Society Sons of the American Revolution; Dale Crandell, Society of the War of 1812, Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander, Compatriot James L. Scott, National Society Sons of the American Revolution; Mel Prezant, Kansas Director Bugles Across America; Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, National Society Sons of the American Revolution; Compatriot Al Paris, National Society Sons of the American Revolution; Compatriot Russell DeVenney, Society Sons of the American Revolution; Brian Smarker, Captain Daniel Morgan Boone Chapter President, Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Missouri; Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr, Westport Camp #64, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; Jesse Lyberger, National Society Sons of the American Revolution; and Michael Lundeen, Westport Camp #64 Commander, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; and Compatriot Earnie Mowry, National Society Sons of the American Revolution. Not visible in the photo are James Beckner, Westport Camp #64 Chaplain.
Center photo: Brian Smarker, Captain Daniel Morgan Boone Chapter President, Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Missouri.
Right photo: Michael Lundeen, Westport Camp #64 Commander, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.