Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery

Pictured here with the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, is the WVSSAR and MOSSAR Color Guard Teams on Saturday, July 1 2006. The team participated in the grave marking ceremony of Revolutionary War Soldier Adam Flesher.  Patriot Adam Flesher is buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Weston, West Virginia.

American Revolution War Patriot Grave Marker Dedication
Patriot Adam Flesher
Riverside Cemetery
Weston, West Virginia
Saturday, July 1, 2006

Pictured here with the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, is the WVSSAR and MOSSAR Color Guard Teams on Saturday, July 1 2006. The team participated in the grave marking ceremony of Revolutionary War Soldier Adam Flesher. Patriot Adam Flesher is buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Weston, West Virginia.

Photo (L-R): WVSSAR State President, John H. Sauer; M. Grahm Clark Chapter President, Captain Russell F. DeVenney, Jr. (MOSSAR); Point Pleasant Chapter Color Guard Commander, Finley "Jack" Coles (WVSSAR); and George Rogers Clark Chapter President, Jeff Cline (WVSSAR).

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
Copyright © 2006 MOSSAR All Rights Reserved.