Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery

Several local D.A.R. and S.A.R. Chapters celebrated Presidents Day 2014 with a Wreath Laying Ceremony, at the Memorial of General George Washington, at Washington Square Park, in Kansas City, MO. The MOSSAR Color Guard is shown here during the ceremony. Missouri DAR members presented the Wreath.
Wreath Laying Ceremony
Washington Square Park
Kansas City, MO.
Presidents Day 2014

Several local D.A.R. and S.A.R. Chapters celebrated Presidents Day 2014 with a Wreath Laying Ceremony, at the Memorial of General George Washington, at Washington Square Park, in Kansas City, MO. The MOSSAR Color Guard is shown here during the ceremony. Missouri DAR members presented the Wreath. The statute of General George Washington was originally dedicated on Armistice Day 1925 and rededicated on Armistice Day 1932. The inscription on the memorial states....

One Hundred and Nine Thousand Citizens Gave This Statute to Their City
Dedicated Armistice Day 1925
Rededicated Armistice Day 1932
Two Hundreth Anniversary Year of the Birth of George Washington

Photo: (L - R) Photo - Major General Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Jack Quint; Loretta Paris, (Adam Yeager DAR Chapter); Compatriot Richard A. Mathews; Compatriot Alvin L. Paris, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton; Compatriot Fred Kaffenberger; Compatriot James L. Scott, Western Color Guard Commander; and Compatriot Roy Hutchinson.

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
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