Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery
Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor Eagle Scout Nicholas Jack Conove Jefferson Barracks Park Visitor’s Center St. Louis, MO. February 27, 2011
The MOSSAR Color Guard is shown here attending “Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Nicholas Jack Conover” son of Compatriot Les Conover – a member of the Spirit of St. Louis Chapter on February 27, 2011 at the Jefferson Barracks Park Visitor’s Center in St. Louis, MO.
Left Photo: (L - R) GAR John Avery, Compatriot Bill Groth, Eagle Scout Nicholas Jack Conover, Compatriot Bob Brindell, Compatriot Keith Brown, and Comaptriot Jonathan Hunt.
Right Photo: (L - R) Compatriot Bill Groth, Compatriot Jonathan Hunt, GAR John Avery, Compatriot Bob Brindell, and Compatriot Keith Brown.