Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery
22nd Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration Ritz Charles Overland Park, Kansas February 23, 2008
Pictured here is the MOSSAR and KSSSAR Color Guard Team taken at the 22nd Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration in Overland Park, KS on February 23, 2008.
Left Photo: Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, GWBC Color Guard Commander, and the the MOSSAR and KSSSAR Color Guard Team, during the Presentation of the Colors taken at the 22nd Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration in Overland Park, KS on February 23, 2008.
Right Photo: (L-R) (Front Row:) Compatriot Bob Lantz; Compatriot Joe Peterman - Drummer; Compatriot Kyle Kesler; and Compatriot Robert Capps. (L-R)(Back Row:) Compatriot Richard Cox; Compatriot Wilbur Jean Kephart, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, GWBC Color Guard Commander; Captain James Scott, Major General Fred Kaffenberger, KSSSAR Color Guard Commander; and Compatriot Dewey Fry.