Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Photo Gallery
MSSDAR State Conference Capitol Plaza Hotel Jefferson City, Missouri April 30, 2010
In the left photo, pictured here is MOSSAR President Clifford Olsen, Ciara Gunter, Honorary M.S.S.C.A.R. State President, and the MOSSAR Color Guard, at the MSSDAR State Conference in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 30, 2010.
In the right photo, pictured here is MOSSAR President Clifford Olsen and Ciara Gunter, Honorary M.S.S.C.A.R. State President, at the MSSDAR State Conference in Jefferson City, Missouri on April 30, 2010.
Left Photo: Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot J. Wayne Merrill; Ciara Gunter, Honorary M.S.S.C.A.R. State President; MOSSAR President Clifford Olsen; Compatriot Bragg Stanley; Brigadier General Russell F. DeVenney, Jr.; and Captain James L. Scott.
Right Photo: Ciara Gunter, Honorary M.S.S.C.A.R. State President; MOSSAR President Clifford Olsen.