MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Arkansas Post National Memorial 225th Anniversary Commemoration Gillett, Arkansas Saturday, April 19, 2008
Did you know there was a Revolutionary War engagement in Arkansas? On April 17, 1783, British partisans attacked the Arkansas Post and the Spanish fort. The Arkansas Post National Memorial in Gillett dedicated a memorial ceremony to remember the attack with a 225th Anniversary Commemoration on Saturday, April 19, 2008. The celebration included the placement of memorial wreaths, a living history demonstration, and the firing of the park’s 18th-century cannon.
Left Photo: The MOSAR Color Guard participated in the 225th Anniversary Commemoration of the Revolutionary War engagement at the Arkansas Post in Gillett, Arkansas. Pictured here is Compatriot Frances R. Roberson of the Sgt. Ariel Nims Chapter in Joplin, MO.
Right Photo: The MOSAR Color Guard participated in the 225th Anniversary Commemoration of the Revolutionary War engagement at the Arkansas Post in Gillett, Arkansas. Pictured here is Compatriot Frances R. Roberson of the Sgt. Ariel Nims Chapter in Joplin, MO.