MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
MOSSAR Proclamation Declaration Office of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt Jefferson City, MO April 9, 2008
Governor Matt Blunt declared April 26th, 2008 to be “Missouri Sons of the American Revolution" Day at a ceremony held Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at his office in Jefferson City, Missouri. The proclamation, sponsored by MOSSAR, commends the increasingly important role of the institutions of American freedom, an appreciation for true patriotism, a respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and community service.
The SAR Proclamation was read by MOSSAR President Robert E. Comer at the 118th Annual Membership Convention, on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Independence, MO. The Proclamation was indeed a triamph since this was a FIRST with a Governor of Missouri.
Left Photo: Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Gaurd Commander; Compatriot Clifford C. Olsen; Compatriot Keith Brown; Robert E. Comer, MOSSAR President; Governor Matt Blunt; Compatriot Alvin Paris; Captain Russell F. DeVenney, Jr.; Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton; Compatriot William Groth; and Compatriot Glenn Gohr.
Right Photo: (L-R) (Front Row:) Robert E. Comer, MOSSAR President (seated); Compatriot Glenn Gohr; Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot William Groth; and Compatriot Keith Brown. (Back Row:) Captain Russell F. DeVenney, Jr.; Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton; Compatriot Clifford C. Olsen; and Compatriot Alvin Paris.