MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Larry Tatum
Romie Carr
Roy Hutchinson
Judge Howard Sachs
Doug Wood
Richard Meister
351st Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, October 11, 2014
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here conducting a New Member Induction for Compatriot Larry Tatum, who was inducted into the SAR for his ancestor Patriot Casper Miesse. Patriot Casper Miesse was a Private 5th Class with the Second Battalion in Lanscaster County, PA. Compatriot Tatum was presented with his membership certificate, membership rosette, chapter challenge coin, and welcome packet by President Donald Lewis, sponsor Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton and Compatriot Larry Tatum's wife.
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting a Supplemental Certificate to Compatriot Romie Carr, for his patriot ancestor John Kerr. Patriot Kerr was a junior to John Kerr, Sr. He rode in the cavalry during the war and was raised in South Carolina. Congratulations Compatriot Romie Carr.
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting a Supplemental Certificate to Compatriot Roy Hutchinson, for his ancestor John Waddell. Patriot John Waddell signed the Watauqa Association on July 5, 1776. Patriot Waddell was a signatory of the Watagua Association. The Association is cited as the earliest attempt by American-born colonists to form an independent democratic government in 1772.
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting a Certificate to Federal Judge Howard Sachs & Ann Thompson. U.S. District Judge Howard F. Sachs and his assistant Ann Thompson, gave a presentation on the history and workings of the Western District Federal Court. The presentation was followed by a question and answer period with Judge Sachs. President Donald Lewis presented each with a Certificate of Appreciation and a chapter challenge coin.
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting a Certificate to the second guest speaker, Compatriot Doug Wood, Past President of NHSSAR and VPG NSSAR New England Region. Compatriot Doug Wood spoke on the seizure of Fort William and Mary in December of 1774. Compatriot Wood is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel having served 23 years. He is the past President of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NHSSAR) and the Vice President General NSSAR of the New England Region. Compatriot Wood and his wife, Linda, currently live in Salem, NH. Compatriot Wood presented a program on Live in New Hampshire and the seizure of Fort William and Mary in December 1774. On 14 December 1774, local Patriots from the Portsmouth, New Hampshire area, stormed Fort William and Mary and seized the garrison’s powder, which was distributed through several New Hampshire towns for potential use in the looming struggle against Great Britain. President Donald Lewis presented Compatriot Wood with a Certificate of Appreciation.
Compatriot Doug Wood, Past President of NHSSAR and VPG NSSAR New England Region, is shown here presenting a Membership Certificate to Compatriot Richard Meister. Compatriot Richard Meister was inducted into the NH Society of the SAR by Compatriot Doug Wood. Compatriot Wood presented Compatriot Meister with a framed membership certificate and the membership rosette.
Left Top Photo (L - R): Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Larry Tatum, Spouse of Compatriot Larry Tatum, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr.
Center Top Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Romie Carr, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr.
Right Top Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson, Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr., and President Donald Lewis.
Left Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Federal Judge Howard Sachs & Ann Thompson, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr.
Bottom Center Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Doug Wood, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr.
Right Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot Doug Wood and Compatriot Richard Meister.