MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Flag Certificate Award Gary and Sue Adcock Kansas City, MO November 11, 2010
Pictured here is a Flag Certificate Award being presented on Veteran's Day 2010 to Gary and Sue Adcock of Kansas City, MO. Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander and Harry S. Truman Chapter President Dirk Stapleton, are shown here conducting a Flag Certificate Award presentation.
The Harry S. Truman Chapter recognize both businesses and individuals who take the time to properly display our flag, ahead of recognition for government agencies. The Harry S. Truman Chapter’s Flag Committee would like your help in finding businesses or individuals who properly display the American Flag. Briefly, here are some quick ways to spot such a display:
· A flag is displayed only during daylight in good weather. It is taken down when it gets dark or if it starts to rain or snow. A flag may be displayed at night in good weather if it is lighted.
· When displayed on a wall, the flag's canton should be on the left as you view it.
Left Photo (L-R): Harry S. Truman Chapter President Dirk Stapleton; Gary Adcock; and Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander.
Center Photo (L-R): Gary Adcock and Sue Adcock.
Right Photo (L-R): Harry S. Truman Chapter President Dirk Stapleton; Sue Adcock; and Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander.