MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
333rd Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, March 9, 2013
President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting Ms. Alinda M. Miller, who was our guest speaker at the March 9, 2013 meeting, with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Harry S. Truman Challenge Coin. Ms. Miller spoke on the “History of Lone Jack”. Ms. Miller is President and Webmaster of the Lone Jack Historical Society. Ms. Miller with the Lone Jack Historical Society presented an excellent program including a PowerPoint presentation about the Lone Jack Battleground and Museum and Missouri’s part in the Civil War.
The Lone Jack Historical Society's mission is to support, protect, and preserve the unique history of the Lone Jack area. The primary focus is on the Civil War Cemetery and adjoining grounds, and the Civil War Museum. The desire is to ensure the future education of our children, to go forward while remembering our very important past.
Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Ms. Alinda M. Miller, Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr., and President Donald Lewis Jr.