MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery

The Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard is shown here during the presentation of the First Harry S. Truman Chapter coin.  The Harry S. Truman Chapter coin is being presented to David Mccann by President Dirk Stapleton and MOSSAR Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover.
Harry S. Truman Chapter Meeting
First Harry S. Truman Coin Presentation to Compatriot David McCann
300th Meeting
Independence, MO
June 12, 2010

The Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard is shown here during the presentation of the First Harry S. Truman Chapter coin. The Harry S. Truman Chapter coin is being presented to David McCann by President Dirk Stapleton and MOSSAR Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover.

Photo: (L - R) Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander, Compatriot David McCann, and President Dirk Stapleton.

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
Copyright © 2006 MOSSAR All Rights Reserved.