MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Compatriot Craig Dillaou
Certificate Presentation
2015 HST Officer Installation
354th Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, January 10, 2015
The guest speaker at the January 10, 2015 Harry S. Truman Chapter meeting was Compatriot Craig Dillaou, who is a member of the Monticello Chapter in Kansas. Compatriot Dillaou's topic was on the Secret Service.
President Robert L. Grover and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting a Certificate to guest speaker Compatriot Craig Dillaou, who is from the Monticello Chapter in Kansas. Compatriot Dillaou's topic was on the Secret Service. The presentation was followed by a question and answer period with Compatriot Dillaou. President Grover presented Compatriot Craig Dillaou with a Certificate of Appreciation and a chapter challenge coin.
MOSSAR Treasurer Courtney Sloan is shown here installing the Harry S. Truman Chapter Officers for 2015 at the January 10, 2015 meeting. The Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard is also shown here during the installation.
Left Photo: Compatriot Craig Dillaou.
Center Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Compatriot Craig Dillaou, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, President Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks, Jr.
Right Photo (L - R): President Robert L. Grover; Secretary Roy Hutchinson; Registrar and Genealogist David L. McCann; Chancellor George L. DeLapp; Surgeon Thomas L. Barden; Chaplain Carlin Talcott; Sergeant At Arms John Stewart; and MOSSAR Treasurer Courtney Sloan. Not in photo: Honorary Vice President Donald Lewis, Jr. Two Color Guard Members also participated who included Compatriot Perry Dean “Bud” Marks; Jr., and Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton.