MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Eagle Court of Honor Eagle Scout Award Presentation Troop 1346 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Independence, Missouri Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Eagle Scouts Christian Borton, Michael Matoney, and Tamasi Tul'one were presented with a SAR certificate and SAR scouting patch by President Robert Grover on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, for their Boy Scout Eagle Scout accomplishment during their Eagle Scout Court of Honor.
Pictured here include Eagle Scouts Christian Borton, Michael Matoney, and Tamasi Tul'one, and members of the Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard.
Left Photo (L - R): Compatriot Roy Hutchinson; Major General Robert L. Grover, HST Chapter Color Guard Commander; Compatriot John Stewart.
Right Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, HST Chapter Color Guard Commander; Eagle Scouts Christian Borton, Michael Matoney, and Tamasi Tul'one; Compatriot Roy Hutchinson; and Compatriot John Stewart.