MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
331st Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, January 12, 2013
Harry S. Truman Chapter Officers are shown here receiving individual Certificates of Appreciation from President Dirk Stapleton at the January 12, 2013 meeting. Vice-President Donald Lewis, Jr.; Treasurer Courtney Sloan; Registrar-Genealogist David McCann; Chancellor George DeLapp; Chaplain Romie Carr, Historian Brian Smarker; Sergeant-at Arms Paul Toms; and Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover each received a Certificate of Appreciation for their dedication and service in fulfilling their officer position during 2012. President Stapleton thanked the HST Officers and Chapter for their support during the four years that he served as President of the HST Chapter.
Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot Courtney Sloan (Treasurer); Compatriot David McCann (Registrar / Genealogist); Compatriot Paul Toms, (Sergeant-at-Arms); Compatriot George L. DeLapp, (Chancellor); Compatriot Romie Carr, (Chaplain); Compatriot Donald Lewis, Jr., (Vice-President) Compatriot Brian Smarker, (Historian) and
President Dirk A. Stapleton.