MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
331st Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, January 12, 2013
President Dirk Stapleton presented the NSSAR War Service Medal with certificate to Compatriot Carlin Talcott, at the January 12, 2013 meeting. The medal and certificate honors Compatriot Talcott for his public service to his Nation, while serving in the Korean War. We thank Compatriot Talcott for his service to this great nation. In addition, fellow Compatriots who served in the Korean War also recognized Compatriot Talcott during this ceremony. The chapter encourages all of our veteran members to wear their SAR War Service Medal or SAR Military Service Medal to recognize their service.
Left Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot Carlin Talcott; President Dirk Stapleton, and Compatriot Jack Quint.
Right Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot Courtney Sloan; Compatriot David McCann; Compatriot Carlin Talcott; President Dirk Stapleton; Compatriot Robert Quint; Compatriot Romie Carr; and Compatriot Jack Quint. Compatriot Sloan; Compatriot McCann; Compatriot Talcott; Compatriot Robert Quint; and Compatriot Carr served during the Korean War.