MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
Harry S. Truman Chapter Meeting Recognition Ceremony Center for Advancing America’s Heritage Campaign (CAAH) Donation Compatriot Harry Dexheimer 320th Meeting Independence, MO February 10, 2012
The Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard is shown here along with Compatriot Harry Dexheimer, and President Dirk Stapleton, during a recogingition cremony. The ceremony recognizes Compatriot Dexheimer for his pledge to support the Sons of the American Revolution Foundation and the Center for Advancing America’s Heritage Campaign (CAAH). Compatriot Dexheimer was recognized with his $500.00 donation to help the SAR Foundation raise the money needed to complete Phase II of The Center for Advancing America’s Heritage. Compatriot Dexheimer received the James Madison Commemorative lapel pin, medallion/stand and CAAH Award for his donation.
The Center for Advancing America’s Heritage Campaign will house new interactive Galleries, the Drinkard Education Center, Genealogical Research Library, Merchandise Operations, and our National Headquarters. Most important it will align the NSSAR mission of civic literacy education to solid programs within The Center in Louisville that may be easily accessible to our membership for use throughout the country.
Photo: (L - R) Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander, Compatriot Harry Dexheimer, and President Dirk Stapleton.