MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
326th Meeting Harry S. Truman Chapter Independence, Missouri Saturday, August 11, 2012
Pictured here is guest speaker, Compatriot Robert Corum, at the 326th Harry S. Truman Chapter Meeting on Saturday, August 11, 2012. Compatriot Robert Corum is the President of the William C. Corum Chapter, in which he discussed the 19 American Revolutionary War patriots buried in Clay County, Missouri. Compatriot Robert Corum is a direct descendant of Patriot William C. Corum. President Corum offered many facts on the 19 patriots, including their contributions to the American Revolution, information on militias that they were assigned to, burial locations in Clay County, Missouri, etc. President Dirk Stapleton presented a certificate of appreciation and a Harry S. Truman Chapter Challenge Coin to Compatriot Corum for being guest speaker.
Left Photo: Compatriot Robert Corum, President of the William C. Corum Chapter.
Right Photo (L - R): Major General Robert L. Grover, MOSSAR Color Guard Commander; Compatriot Robert Corum, President of the William C. Corum Chapter; President Dirk A. Stapleton; Compatriot Perry Dean "Bud" Marks; and Compatriot Jack Quint.