MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery

The members of the Harry S. Truman Chapter and Color Gaurd are shown here at the 25th Birthday Celebration on August 8th, 2009.  The Charter date for the Chapter originatated on August 4th, 1984.  Compatriot George DeLapp and Robert L. Grover, are both founding charter members.

The members of the Harry S. Truman Chapter and Color Gaurd are shown here at the 25th Birthday Celebration on August 8th, 2009.  The Charter date for the Chapter originatated on August 4th, 1984.  Compatriot George DeLapp and Robert L. Grover, are both founding charter members.
25th Birthday Celebration
Harry S. Truman Chapter
Independence, MO
August 8th, 2009

The members of the Harry S. Truman Chapter and Color Gaurd are shown here at the 25th Birthday Celebration on August 8th, 2009. The Charter date for the Chapter originatated on August 4th, 1984. Compatriot George DeLapp and Robert L. Grover, are both founding charter members. The original charter and 25th Year proclamation signed by Independence, MO Mayor Don Reimal were also on display.

Left photo (L - R) Compatriot George DeLapp and Major General Robert L. Grover.

Center photo (L - R) Charles Hougland; Judith Hoagland; Kristen E. Strend; Compatriot Romie Carr; Compatriot Nicholas D. Large; Compatriot David McCann; Compatriot George DeLapp, Major General Robert L. Grover; President Dirk A. Stapleton; Compatriot James G. Walden; Compatriot William Hartman; Dr. Chester I. Bare; Cortney Y. Sloan; and Vice President Jim Nail.

Right photo (L - R) Compatriot George DeLapp and Major General Robert L. Grover.

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
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