MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery
National Society Sons of the American Revolution DVD Dedication Ceremony Saturday, April 10, 2010 Midwest Genealogy Center 3440 S. Lee Summit Road Independence, Missouri
The Harry S. Truman Color Guard participated in a National Society Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR) DVD Dedication Ceremony on Saturday, April 10, 2010. The Dedication Ceremony was held at the Midwest Genealogy Center, in Independence, Missouri. The DVD's explain the purpose and goals of the NSSAR, as well as a recruitment tool for all NSSAR Chapters in gaining new members to the NSSAR. The Color Guard Commander, Major General Robert Grover and Harry S. Truman Chapter President Dirk A. Stapleton, are shown here with Angela McComas of the Midwest Genealogy Center during this dedication of DVD's as shown above.
Photo (L-R): Harry S. Truman Chapter President Dirk A. Stapleton; Angela McComas of the Midwest Genealogy Center; and MOSSAR Color Guard Commander Major General Robert Grover.