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American Revolution Soldiers Buried in Northwestern Misouri
Moses Hiram Ferguson  
Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution

Moses Hiram Ferguson Grave Marker
Moses Hiram Ferguson Grave Marker

Patriot Moses Hiram Ferguson assisted in establishing American Independence as a Private in the South Carolina Militia.  He served in General Sumter’s South Carolina Brigade, which consisted of exiles and frontiersmen driven from South Carolina to North Carolina by the advancing British Army.  Moses served in Lieutenant Coronal Wade Hampton’s 1st Regiment State Troops, Captain William Alexander’s Company.  His service is documented in his pension application S17411 at the U.S. National Achieves & Records Administration.
Moses was born 1 February 1762 in Baltimore, Maryland and died 15 March 1845 in Johnson County, Missouri.  He is buried at Blackwell Cemetery, which is located near 1124 NW 400th Road, Centerview, Johnson County, Missouri at coordinates: N38° 49' 41.84" and W93° 57' 12.06".