MOSSAR Harry S. Truman Chapter Color Guard Photo Gallery

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here conducting a New Member Induction for Compatriot Steve Ferguson, who was inducted into the SAR for his ancestor  Patriot Benjamin Bass. Compatriot Ferguson was presented with his membership certificate, membership rosette, chapter challenge coin, and welcome packet by President Donald Lewis and sponsor Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton.
Steve Ferguson

Vice-President Robert Grover and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here conducting a New Member Induction for Compatriot Michael Curtis Loudermilk, who was inducted into the SAR for his ancestor John Hughes. Patriot John Hughes was Quartermaster Sergeant, 1st Continental Dragoons, enlisted under Capt. Lucas’ Calvary, Gen. Scott’s Brigade. Compatriot Loudermilk was presented with his membership certificate, membership rosette, chapter challenge coin, and welcome packet by Vice President Robert Grover and sponsor Compatriot David McCann.
Partners in Patriotism

Compatriot Courtney Sloan and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting Compatriot David McCann with a certificate and a Liberty Medal (2nd bronze oak leaf cluster).
Dave McCann

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting Linda Hardin Sehrt, who was our guest speaker at the August 9, 2014 meeting, with a Certificate of Appreciation.
Linda Hardin Sehrt

Compatriot Robert Grover presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapters 317 and 243 for Memorial Day 2014.
Vietnam Memorial Certificate

Compatriot Robert Grover, with the help of Paul Levota, received a Proclamation from the Missouri Senate recognizing the 30th year anniversary which listed each of the 34 charter members.
Missouri Proclamation

Compatriot Robert L. Grover received a Proclamation recognizing the 30th anniversary of the Harry S Truman Chapter of the Missouri Sons of the American Revolution from Mayor Eileen N. Weir on 4 August 2014 at the Council Chamber of Independence, Missouri. Thank you to Compatriot Grover for obtaining the proclamation.
Independence, MO Proclamation

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here celebrating the Thirty year anniversary of Harry S Truman Chapter.  Of the 34 original charter members only three charter members remain. Compatriot Robert L. Grover  and Compatriot George DeLapp are shown here as the original charter members.
HST Chapter Members

349th Meeting
Harry S. Truman Chapter
Independence, Missouri
Saturday, August 9, 2014

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here conducting a New Member Induction for Compatriot Steve Ferguson, who was inducted into the SAR for his ancestor Patriot Benjamin Bass. Compatriot Ferguson was presented with his membership certificate, membership rosette, chapter challenge coin, and welcome packet by President Donald Lewis and sponsor Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton.

Compatriot Courtney Sloan reported the HST chapter was awarded The Partners in Patriotism Certificate at the last MOSSAR state board meeting. Compatriot Courtney Sloan and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting President Donald Lewis with a Partners in Patriotism certificate and streamer.

Compatriot Courtney Sloan and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting Compatriot David McCann with a certificate and a Liberty Medal (2nd bronze oak leaf cluster). The Liberty Medal commemorates the restoration of the Statue of Liberty, reminds us of our liberty and is presented for recruiting new members to the SAR. The medal was authorized in 1987. For each additional ten new members, in which a recipient of the Liberty Medal is a first-line sponsor, a bronze oak leaf cluster may be presented. Congratulations Compatriot David McCann.

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here presenting Linda Hardin Sehrt, who was our guest speaker at the August 9, 2014 meeting, with a Certificate of Appreciation. Linda Hardin Sehrt is the Mis­souri State Society, Parliamentarian and Honorary Chapter Regent of the Independence Pioneers Chapter, NSDAR. Her topic was on Ellen Hardin Walworth, who was one of the four founders of the National Society Daughters of the Ameri­can Revolution. Ellen Hardin Walworth (Oct. 20, 1832 – June 23, 1915) was an American author, lawyer, and activist who was a passion­ate advocate for the importance of studying history and his­toric preservation. Walworth was one of the founders of the Daughters of the American Revolution and was the organiza­tion's first secretary general. She was the first editor of the DAR's official magazine, American Monthly Magazine. President Donald Lewis presented Linda Hardin Sehrt with a Certificate of Appreciation and a HST Chapter coin.

Compatriot Robert Grover presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapters 317 and 243 for Memorial Day 2014.

Compatriot Robert Grover, with the help of Paul Levota, received a Proclamation from the Missouri Senate recognizing the 30th year anniversary which listed each of the 34 charter members.

Compatriot Robert L. Grover received a Proclamation recognizing the 30th anniversary of the Harry S Truman Chapter of the Missouri Sons of the American Revolution from Mayor Eileen N. Weir on 4 August 2014 at the Council Chamber of Independence, Missouri. Thank you to Compatriot Grover for obtaining the proclamation.

President Donald Lewis and the Harry S. Truman Color Guard, are shown here celebrating the Thirty year anniversary of Harry S Truman Chapter. Of the 34 original charter members only three charter members remain. Compatriot Robert L. Grover and Compatriot George DeLapp are shown here as the original charter members. The Harry S Truman chapter has won many National and Missouri awards, National and State Officers, National State Color Guard, best chapter award, National Gold Medal Color Guard Man of the Year award, first in the nation to present the Colors before a National Baseball game (the Kansas City Royals), presented the Colors before a National Football game (the Kansas City Chiefs), helped in hosting the 2013 Annual National Congress in Kansas City, hosted many Missouri Annual meetings. The Harry S Truman chapter in Kansas City and Independence with an enrollment of estimated 275 to 300 members over the thirty years.

Left Top Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Steve Ferguson, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, and Compatriot Roy Hutchinson.

Left Center Top Photo (L - R): President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Courtney Sloan, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton.

Right Center Top Photo (L - R): Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot David McCann, Compatriot Courtney Sloan, and President Donald Lewis.

Right Top Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Linda Hardin Sehrt, President Donald Lewis, Compatriot Roy Hutchinson and Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton.

Left Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, and Compatriot Roy Hutchinson.

Left Center Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, and Compatriot Roy Hutchinson.

Right Center Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, and Compatriot Roy Hutchinson.

Right Bottom Photo (L - R): Compatriot Thomas L. Barden; Compatriot Carlin Talcott; Compatriot Ian Krouse; Compatriot David McCann; Compatriot John Stewart, Color Guard Commander Robert L. Grover, President Donald Lewis; Compatriot George DeLapp; Compatriot Roy Hutchinson; Compatriot Courtney Sloan; Compatriot Dirk A. Stapleton, and Compatriot Steve Ferguson.

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Harry S. Truman Chapter, Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Independence, MO
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